skin clinic

What is Acne?

Acne is a common skin condition where the pores of your skin become hindered by the hair, sebum, microscopic organisms, and dead skin cells. These blockages on the face can produce blackheads, whiteheads, nodules, and other types of pimples. It’s the most common skin condition that many people experience. It’s estimated that 80% of people ages 11 to 30 will have basically a gentle type of skin inflammation and most people are impacted by it eventually in their lives.

Non-inflammatory acne – Mild acne like blackheads and whiteheads.

Inflammatory acne-Infected and inflamed pimples like papules, pustules(moderate acne), large and painful nodules, and cysts(severe acne).

What’s causing acne on every part of your face and body

The common causes of acne are hormonal changes, stress, pollution, lifestyle habits, genetic predisposition, some medications & excessive oil production in the skin. Sometimes, bad skin hygiene(like sleeping with make-up on), etc, may also contribute to acne.

Teenage acne and Adult acne

Teenage acne on cheeks is part genetic and majorly due to puberty as hormonal changes play a big role in causing breakouts. Teens typically have more blackheads and whiteheads than adults do as oil glands get activated during puberty. Such breakouts arise due to Androgens, a group of sex hormones that can cause oil glands to become overactive, increasing in both girls and boys during puberty.

But good thing is that teens have faster cell turnover and more resilient skin than adults, which means they recover quickly from breakouts. Teenager acne tends to subside as they get older, but still, it’s necessary to keep up with a good skincare routine.

If you are feeling alone to deal with challenging acne, reach out to us for dermatologist support in teenage pimple treatment.

Adult acne is more linked to chronic stress, a busy lifestyle, increasingly polluted environment leading to congestion and uneven skin tone. Adults are slower to heal from breakouts as the skin cell turnover rate slows down with age than they were teenagers.

What actually works for acne

Topical acne medications Vs laser acne treatments

Topical Acne medications: For mild to moderate acne, dermatologists may recommend gentler chemical exfoliants, but for severe acne like bacteria-driven acne, medications work by killing acne-causing bacteria. These topical acne medications come as creams, lotions, and gels with ingredients in topical acne treatments that may include retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, antibiotics, or salicylic acid.

Some medications can irritate the skin, causing things like redness and itching. If your skin stays irritated or if the medication hasn't worked after some time, you could try advanced lasers and chemical peels for treating adult acne and acne scaring at Livglam clinic.

Laser acne treatments: Carbon laser peel is an effective and popular option for treating adult acne. This procedure is entirely mild, non-invasive, and painless. In this laser procedure, a carbon solution is applied to the face, and lasers are used to destroy any dust particles, oil, dead skin cells, bacteria, and other impurities on your skin.

Other Adult acne cure treatments in Livglam include such as LED therapy, Microdermabrasion, PRP facials, microneedling, acne scar therapy, Hydra acne therapy etc.


If acne is hurting your self-confidence and you are looking for professional help, our doctors can evaluate your skin and recommend appropriate skin care treatments and procedures for acne and scarring. At Livglam, we have dermatologists and aestheticians who have an abundance of involvement with adult acne treatment as we comprehend the skin is the most essential and significant piece of our body so we attempt to do everything by offering assistance, to make our patients fulfilled and happy profoundly.

Livglam, is the Best Aesthetic Clinic in Bangalore, do visit our clinic or make an online appointment! Our expert dermatologists and aestheticians are here to clarify any doubts you may have.

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