Face Treatments

We offer a range of face and skin treatments for men and we are familiar and confident working on both men and women. There is one main driving force that prompts male patients to seek aesthetic treatments. They want to be more powerful, more vibrant, more successful, more healthier and ultimately to have a better quality of life.

Anti-wrinkle Injections | Botox for men

The main difference between Botox for men and women lies in the dosage amount, not in terms of treatment and recovery. Men often require more botox because their facial muscles tend to be stronger and have more mass. Other differences include where the injections are placed in regards to where the facial bones are.

Men often use botox to lessen the signs of aging on the face. When injected into the targeted areas of the face, Botox relaxes the muscles that are causing lines and wrinkles to form. This gives those muscles a break and allows the skin to rejuvenate and appear smoother. Botox for men can give a stronger jawline appearance and removes saggy neck.

Botox can also be used to treat excessive sweating, which many men experience.

Face Treatments

Dermal Fillers for men

We at Livglam understand that there are some differences in treating male and female face when it comes to facial fillers. This is very important, as filling in certain areas of the face can result in either masculinization or feminization. we are very careful to consider important areas jawline, cheeks, and chin in order to keep the face as masculine as you would like, while keeping the rest of the features in mind to achieve facial harmony.

For men, facial fillers are often about looking better and feeling more confident. Men have always desired for strong chiseled chin, jawline and sharply cut cheekbones the reason being, they feel strong lower face is associated with will power and masculinity. Depending on your facial structure, a simple jawline enhancement or smoothed-out wrinkles can make a difference in man’s overall appearance.

Derma fillers for men

Advanced Medi-Facials for men

Nowadays, more men are coming in for medi-facials, with thicker skin that is exposed to sun damage due to more time spent on outdoors, men mostly go for intense facials like lasers which penetrates deep enough to work on thick skin and MDA facials to exfoliate top layers of skin stimulating new skin and collagen production.

Medi-facials rejuvenate complexion, helps penetrate more deeply in to the skin, removes ultrafine lines, and gives evenly textured skin.

Hydra facials for men have been proven to improve some of the most common skin problems that men experience issues like dry skin, discoloration, dark spots, pigmentation, aging and skin tone. Its particularly suitable for men because of its unique technology and also suitable for rougher, harder or more sensitive skin types.

Face Treatments

Acne and skin care for men

Gone are the days when skincare was limited to women. Men require a skin management as much as women. Due to higher testosterone levels, men tend to produce more oil than women, resulting in a higher risk of clogged pores, acne and lackluster skin.

Acne treatment in bangalore | Best Acne treatments for men

We offer a range of non-invasive treatments for men acne and skin blemishes. There are many options from laser to light treatments that can prevent and treat acne scarring and eliminate the lifelong stigma.

  • Laser skin resurfacing
  • Chemical peels
  • Bio-light therapy
  • Hydrafacial acne booster

Skin rejuvenation for men can be accomplished with lasers, peels and microneedling. Men have thicker skin than women with more hair follicles which allow for quicker healing. Therefore, more aggressive skin resurfacing procedures can be done on men with quicker healing.

Face Treatments

Skin chemical peels for men

Facial peels are increasingly are popular skin care solution for men. A peel uses a chemical solution to exfoliate and remove the top layer of dead cells to make a way for cell renewal.

Facial peels for men are particularly beneficial, as they can penetrate through coarse skin and facial hair.

we provide a range of medical formulation chemical peel treatments of varying strengths. Each peel has a different strength of active ingredients, each is safe and designed to penetrate and exfoliate to a particular depth. These range from light peels through to deep phenol peels that are powerful enough to treat to facial wrinkles, pigmentation or treat sun damaged skin and scars by resurfacing the skin.

The TCA (trichloroacetic acid) peel is good choice for men due to its flexibility, effectiveness and safety. TCA peel for men can treat damage cells ranging from shallow levels to deeper.

Face Treatments

Laser Hair Reduction for men

Men have a lot of active hair follicles, almost the whole body can be treated with laser hair removal.

Laser treatment is an ideal hair removal solution for men as it can be used to treat most areas of the face and body, without worry of ingrown hairs or shaving rash.

Laser hair Removal works to destroy the hair follicles in the skin using light energy.

Our Laser hair reduction works to permanently damage and destroy the active hair growing follicles so you reduce the number of active hair follicles per treatment.

We use diode laser ats our clinic which allows us to treat all skin types and hairs with pigment for a faster and more powerful result. Diode lasers target hairs up to 5mm further down from the skin’s surface.

With laser hair reduction, regrowth is minimal reducing the hair by up to 90%.

Benefits of laser hair removal for men

  • No ingrown hairs where many men see ingrown hairs after shaving
  • No hair means no sweat
  • Saves time and money as you never have to shave or wax again and again
  • Improved skin tone and body confidence
Face Treatments


1. What is male aesthetics?

Compared to women, men’s faces are tend to be square, more angled, wider forehead and wider jaw a major differences in facial anatomy. Our approach consultation, assessment and treatment techniques for men are completely different from female patients based on their facial structure, aging and Masculinity. We customize the treatments to meet unique needs of men.

2. What types of male aesthetics exist?

There are certain treatments that are more popular with men such as laser hair removal, body cosmetic surgeries like liposuction and body sculpting, laser skin treatments for acne and other skin conditions, skin rejuvenation for men like tightening skin and skin tone & complexion enhancement, anti ageing skin treatment like botox and fillers for fine lines and wrinkles. We prepare a treatment plan that is personalized to meet your needs and delivers the desired results.

3. What skin treatments are popular for men?

Men are increasingly concerned about their facial appearance and improving their skin from reducing acne to removing crow’s feet and forehead lines. The most recommended skin treatments for men are laser acne treatments, hyper pigmentation treatments, Anti-wrinkle injections, chemical peels, medi-facials for men, microneedling and dermal fillers in bangalore.

4. Why are men seeking botox treatment?

Many men are using botox injections to get rid of wrinkles and fine lines to look younger and stay motivated with increased self-esteem. Men require more botox units than women because they have a greater thicker muscle mass than women.

5. How do men benefit from aesthetic treatments?

Men benefit in many ways from aesthetic treatments from rejuvenating skin to improving their physical appearance. Aesthetic procedures for men can help them in restoring the positive self-image and feeling of youth and vitality. Whether it’s a desire to reduce the signs of aging to improve the shape of the face or to tone and target certain areas of body, there are range of certain cosmetic procedures available for men which are exceptionally amazing.

6. How does Laser hair removal for men work?

Laser hair reduction uses the laser light technology that emits a specific beam at a wavelength that targets the pigment in hair follicles and destroys the follicle itself, thereby ending the hair growth in that area.

7. What areas of the body can be treated?

For men, the most popular areas for laser hair reduction are chest, back, stomach, neck, groin and between the eyebrows and beard shaping. Once the treatment sessions are complete, some people will see permanent results, but others may have to come for a touch-up-session in a year or two.

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